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Michael Haggen

Social Justice, Equity, and Literacy Event a Success!

The fall Twin Cities Area Reading Council (TCARC) event was a great success. In coordination with Scholastic, the Twin Cities Area Reading Council welcomed Scholastic Chief Academic Officer, Michael Haggen. Michael led a discussion with district leaders about equity in our schools. The evening was filled with discussion about literacy and how to assist our students in closing the “opportunity” gap. There was discussion about classroom libraries. Our classrooms need to be equipped with books that have all children represented and represent a variety of genres. There was much talk about how to provide opportunities for children and open up our classrooms to world views. If you would like to learn more, please check out the Scholastic Teacher & Principal School Report: Equity in Education at the following link:

The Twin Cities Area Reading Council will continue to work with Scholastic to provide opportunities for our members to attend professional development and keep equity at the forefront. We are excited to announce our February 2018 event with world-renowned literacy expert, author, and motivational speaker, Pamela Allyn. Pamela is the founding director of LitWorld, a global literacy initiative serving children across the United States and in more than 60 countries. Pamela will continue to build on this year’s MRA and TCARC theme of social justice, equity and literacy! Please watch for information coming soon!

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